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Ratribhojan tyage badhte jaye aage

(2 Reviews)
विज्ञान-धर्म, निश्चय-व्यवहार, द्रव्य-भाव, ज्ञान-क्रिया इन सभी का अनुठा-मीठा सम्नवय कोष है भगवान महावीर के आगम । नरक गति का द्वार रूप दुर्गुणों का भण्डार रात्रि भोजन नामक दोष, को दुर करने वाला, प्रमाद की आंखें खोलने वाला यह ग्रन्थ।
Language title : रात्रिभोजन त्यागे बढते जाए आगे
Category : Books
Sub Category : Self-Help (Jainism)
Sect : Jainism
Language : Hindi
No. of Pages : 60


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- 11 Sep 2021

To make more and mor people understand..we need scientific approach. An abstract subject can't be understood by all. We need to make it tangible..give scientific justification instaed of historical references. Only then the concept can be spered and applied by more and more people.

- 16 Sep 2021

amazing read. very informative and life changing book. explains the concept in a simple and effective way. a must read.

- 02 Oct 2021

excellent and for reading

- 06 Oct 2021

Best achievements for us THANK YOU

- 13 Nov 2021


- 13 Dec 2021


- 18 Jan 2022


- 23 Feb 2022


- 10 Apr 2022

samjhana layak hai

- 27 Jul 2022

Interesting, inspiring & worth inculcating

- 16 Mar 2023

unnati manav jeevan ki

- 14 Jun 2023

Kai saare example aur proof dekar bhot sundar tarike se samjaya gaya raatri bhojan ka tyaag kyu aavshayak hai.

- 14 Jun 2023

Kai saare example aur proof dekar bhot sundar tarike se samjaya gaya raatri bhojan ka tyaag kyu aavshayak hai.

- 17 Oct 2023

प्रभावक पुस्तक।

- 15 Jun 2024


- 21 Jul 2024

Very good