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Questions and answers 1979-80 by J. Krishnamurti

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Questions and answers 1979-80 by J. Krishnamurti is a series of transcriptions of discussions held in Broockwood, Ojai and Sannen. From the intro: “To be free from your own experience, from your own knowledge, from your own accumulated perception – it is possible if you go at it. And it does not take time. That is one of our excuses. We must have time to be free. When you see that one of the major factors of the self is attachment and you see what it does in the world, and what it does in your relationship with another, quarrels, separation, all the ugliness of relationship – if you see the truth of attachment, then you are free from it. Your own perception sets you free. Will you do it?”
Language title : Questions and answers 1979-80 by J. Krishnamurti
Category : Books
Sub Category : Philosophy
Sect : Unknown
Language : English
No. of Pages : 127


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- 17 Oct 2022

very helpful app for the seekers