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Jiddu Krishnamurtis Notebook (1961)

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Jiddu Krishnamurtis Notebook. In June 1961 Krishnamurti began to keep a daily record of his perceptions and states of consciousness. In this unique daily record we have what may be called the wellspring of Krishnamurti’s teaching. The whole essence of his teaching is here, arising from its natural source. From the introduction: In 1922, at the age of twenty-eight, Krishnamurti underwent a spiritual experience that changed his life and which was followed by years of acute and almost continuous pain in his head and spine. The manuscript shows that “the process”, as he called this mysterious pain, was still going on nearly forty years later, though in a much milder form.
Language title : Jiddu Krishnamurtis Notebook (1961)
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature


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