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The Urgency of Change by Krishnamurti

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The Urgency of Change by Krishnamurti is a series of transcripts from public talks. Jiddu Krishnamurti addresses questions like what is awareness, the meaning of dreams, the existence of God and much more. From the book: “Nobody can push you out of your trap – no guru, no drug, no mantra, nobody, including myself – nobody, especially myself. All that you have to do is to be aware from the beginning to the end, not become inattentive in the middle of it. This new quality of awareness is attention, and in this attention there is no frontier made by the “me”. This attention is the highest form of virtue, therefore it is love. It is supreme intelligence, and there cannot be attention if you are not sensitive to the structure and the nature of these man-made traps.”
Language title : The Urgency of Change by Krishnamurti
Category : Books
Sub Category : Philosophy
Sect : Unknown
Language : English
No. of Pages : 148


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