The Philosophical Works of David Hume is the primary philosophical writings of the Scottish thinker and historian. The works consist of four volumes, you can download them here in full as scanned PDF e-books. These versions are the ones published in June 1825 and therefore includes the two essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul which were omitted in the 1777 editions. Moreover, this version also includes the Account of the Controversy with David Humes friend and fellow philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Their disagreements did cast a shadow over the Age of Reason and called into doubt Rousseau’s sanity and Hume’s reputation, according to David Edmonds and John Eidinow, co-authors of Rousseau’s Dog: Two Great Thinkers At War In The Age of Enlightenment. The edition you can download below also has an autobiography.
Language title : The Philosophical Works of David Hume VOL III