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Gurdjieff, the Unknown Man by Kenneth Walker, M. D.

Gurdjieff, the Unknown Man is Kenneth Walker’s vivid account of his meetings with Ouspensky and first visits to Gurdjieff’s Paris apartment in the late 1940s. The text distinguished by his keenly trained powers of observation. The Russian philosopher P. D. Ouspensky illustrated the difficulty of recognizing a teacher of esoteric knowledge, with two stories. The first told of a German who journeyed to India in search of a guru and returned without having found one. He had not realized that the native servant who looked after him while he was in that country was the man for whom he was seeking. The second story referred to a dealer in parrots living in Bordeaux, who, quite unbeknown to his fellow townsmen, was a teacher of esoteric knowledge. But what is esoteric, or hidden, knowledge?
Language title : Gurdjieff, the Unknown Man by Kenneth Walker, M. D.
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature


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