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Rock & Holy Rollers – The Spiritual Beliefs of Chart-Topping Rock Stars in their Lives and Lyrics

Rock & Holy Rollers by Geoffrey D. Falk is a very entertaining look at the correlation between popular music and the musicians spiritual beliefs and practices. From the introduction: “One may or may not take seriously ideas such as meditation, yoga, astral travel, paganism, or the magick of Aleister Crowley. Nevertheless, a detailed understanding of those “spiritual paths” holds the key to a proper comprehension, not only of the private lives of our “guitar gods,” from Jimi Hendrix on down, but of the deeper meanings behind songs which we hear every day on the radio—from the Beatles to Zeppelin, from Marilyn Manson to Billy Corgan to System of a Down. I have relied largely on documented influences and meanings for each relevant song covered here, rather than bringing my own interpretations to bear on the words.”
Language title : Rock & Holy Rollers – The Spiritual Beliefs of Chart-Topping Rock Stars in their Lives and Lyrics
Category : Books
Sub Category : Philosophy


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