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Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun

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Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun is another not that holy book. However, Hamsun was one of the greatest and most influential authors of all time and his insight into elemental existence and human nature is mindblowing. “Growth of the Soil” is the book that secured him the Nobel Prize for literature in 1920, and it was the book the common man of the day valued more than any other of his works. Growth of the Soil was also printed as special “field-editions” by Nazi-Germany to send with their soldiers to the fronts. From the book: “And then things began to go swimmingly. It was in the days when womenfolk used to wear loose plaits in their hair ; and Andresen, he was the man to sell loose plaits. Ay, at a pinch he could sell fair plaits to dark girls, and be sorry he’d nothing lighter ; no grey plaits, for instance, for that was the finest of all. And every evening the three young salesmen met at an appointed place and went over the day’s trade, each borrowing from another anything he’d sold out of; and Andresen would sit down, often as not, and take out a file and file away the German trade-mark from a sportsman’s whistle, or rub out ” Faber ” on the pens and pencils. Andresen was a trump, and always had been.”
Language title : Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun
Author :
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature
Sect : Unknown
Language : English
No. of Pages : 417


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