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The Four Dharmas of Gampopa by Thrangu Rinpoche Geshe Lharampa

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The Four Dharmas Of Gampopa by Thrangu Rinpoche Geshe Lharampa. Gampopa Sönam Rinchen was born in Nyal, Eastern Tibet, in 1079 and he died in 1153. He formulated his Dharma-lessons around four teachings: Grant your blessing so that my mind may turn towards the Dharma Grant your blessing so that Dharma may progress along the path Grant your blessing so that the path may clarify confusion Grant your blessing so that confusion may dawn as wisdom In this book Thrangu Rinpoche Geshe Lharampa unfolds the teachings and describe their historical context.
Language title : The Four Dharmas of Gampopa by Thrangu Rinpoche Geshe Lharampa
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature
Sect : Buddhism
Language : English
No. of Pages : 47
Keywords :


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