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A Guide to Awareness – Dhamma Talks on the Foundations of Mindfulness

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A Guide to Awareness – Dhamma Talks on the Foundations of Mindfulness – is a translation from the series of Dhamma talks from 1961 published in the Thai language as The Way of Practice in the Satipatthana. The author, H.H. Somdet Phra Nanasamvarais was head of Bovornives Vihara, a large and famous monastery in the old city of Bangkok. It is a centre for Buddhist study and is well known amongst westerners interested in Dhamma. These lesson are all based on the the Satipatthana – Great Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness, a major pillar in the practice of both calm and insight, which contains essential and graduated steps of practice. From the foreword: “If you read this book, you will discover the truth of the ‘knots’ and problems that exist within you. In short, this can be described as the ‘knot of suffering.’ You may also then see the method to unravel and safeguard against this suffering. When actually trying out this practice, you will be able to cure your own suffering in accordance with the Buddha’s Teaching. You will also experience a joy unknown before.”
Language title : A Guide to Awareness – Dhamma Talks on the Foundations of Mindfulness
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature
Sect : Buddhism
Language : English
No. of Pages : 57
Keywords :


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