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The Book of the Simple Way

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The Book of the Simple Way is translation of the original text of the Tao-Teh-King published in 1904. Here are some lines from the discussions in the introduction: By acting while separating oneself from action, and by reaching the fruit of action without desiring it, man ceases to identify himself with good or evil in the world and reaches a state wherein diversity is perceived as unity, and all distinctions cease. Hope is no more, there is nothing unfulfilled; ambition has no aim, for all things are attained; and effort has no use, for necessity has ceased. Then follows the question, Can one attain liberation for oneself alone? Laotze says No. Buddha says No. Christ says No. Not one of all the great Teachers and Saints ever desired or thought of such beatitude for himself alone. Indeed, it seems to be a law of spiritual evolution that the nearer one comes to the attainment of spiritual bliss the less he desires it for himself alone.
Language title : The Book of the Simple Way
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature
Sect : Buddhism
Language : English
No. of Pages : 190
Keywords :


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