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The One Step Path

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The One Step Path is a remarkable little book with a single aim, to open your mind to a different perspective. It should be read with the intent of it being the last book you ever read. It is written to the one who, with deep sincerity, seeks conclusion of all illusion, vexation, and suffering. For that person, the Path to Reality and Liberation is revealed in one single step. This different perspective is: What if everything you think you are – every way in which you describe yourself – is not your True Self, but an illusion, an apparition, a fictional character manufactured by the mind and having no existence apart from the mind? What if everything you think, and therefore your entire subjective experience of Life, is itself, just a certain perspective? What if a slight shift in this perspective could bring about a profound change of experience?
Language title : The One Step Path
Author :
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature
Sect : Unknown
Language : English
No. of Pages : 96
Keywords :


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