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Jean’s Journals – Being with Nisargadatta Maharaj

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Jean’s Journals – Being with Nisargadatta Maharaj. Glorieta suggested me to post this book by Jean Dunn one of Nisargadetta’s most devoted students. Jean Dunn was one of Nisargadatta Maharaj’s closest Western students, and a student who Nisargadatta considered to be one of his most deeply realized students. Jean Dunn was apparently the only Westerner that Nisargadatta explicitly asked to teach. Jean Dunn had already edited three books of Nisargadatta’s dialogues, titled “Seeds of Consciousness”, “Prior to Consciousness”, and “Consciousness and the Absolute“. During Jean Dunn’s lifetime, the Journals were freely distributed, with her permission, and people were free to make copies for sincere students of the teachings of advaita, of Nisargadatta, and of spirituality in general. Afterwards, copies have been circulating, though some versions were edited, and had parts missing.Here is the complete book formatted as a PDF e-book. Included in the end is an article by Jean Dunn, and an interview with her. The article and interview were part of the original manuscript that was distributed. Glorietta writes: For many who have read these journals, who have studied Nisargadatta’s teachings, and others in his lineage (the Inchigiri Navnath Sampradaya), these journals include the most pristine teachings of Nisargadatta. They also show Jean Dunn’s own experience, which is very unique, of her spiritual awakening with Nisargadatta.”
Language title : Jean’s Journals – Being with Nisargadatta Maharaj
Author :
Category : Books
Sub Category : Sahitya - Literature
Sect : Unknown
Language : English
No. of Pages : 109
Keywords :


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