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The Nisargadatta Gita

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The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte. From the intro: I came across a book ‘I Am That’ based on the talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. As I began going through it, I just couldn’t put it down, ‘This is dynamite!’ that’s the immediate feeling I had. I Then began preparing the text of ‘The Nisargadatta Gita’. In my life, so far, I had never met a living Guru, is my mere reading or studying of books of the teachings of all these great men of no avail? This last doubt was removed while I was editing the script of ‘I am Unborn’ where Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj answered this very question
Language title : The Nisargadatta Gita
Author :
Category : Books
Sub Category : General
Sect : Hinduism
Language : English
No. of Pages : 155
Keywords : a


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