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Supermundane – The Inner Life 3

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Supermundane -The Inner Life – quadrilogy was written in 1938 by Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena. From the intro: “Friend, how can we discuss the Supermundane if energy is not yet realized as the foundation of Existence? Many will not understand at all what is meant by this, while others may think that they understand the significance of fundamental energy, but cannot think about it with clarity. It is necessary to train one’s thought upon the idea of energy until the feeling of it becomes as real as the feeling about any solid object. We speak about feeling, because knowledge alone cannot provide an understanding of energy.”
Language title : Supermundane – The Inner Life 3
Publisher : Agni Yoga Society
Category : Books
Sub Category : General
Sect :
Language : English
No. of Pages : 98
Keywords : a


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