Books by: Muni Lokesh Muniji M. S

development of human values and establishing non- violene, peace and mutual co-operation in the society. He has traveled on foot about 20000 Kilometers throughout the country for removing social evils and for propagating moral values. He says "My first and last ambition is that I should be able to make the world free from violence, terrorism and tension and that I may help in making my humble contribution in establishing peace and mutual co-operation." In order to give practical shape to these values he founded "Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti" and thus made his field of activities spreading throughout the world. Acharya Dr. Lokesh Ji was born on April 17th 1961. After completing his formal education he deeply studied Jain, Buddhist, Vedic and other Indian and foreign thoughts (Philosophies). He is well read in Prakrit, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Gujrati, Kannarese and many other languages. Acharya Dr. Lokesh has earned limit less love, fame and respect not only in India but also at the International level due to his steadfastness, knowledge, energy and perseverance. He is master in the field of Meditation, Yoga, and Peace Education. His contribution is the mode of popular 'Peace Education' which is an administer of age- old meditation and Yoga and current scientific research. It brings an end to the animal instinct in the human beings and awakens the human and spiritual values. In the year 2001, Bill Clinton President of USA was deeply impressed with the fundamental thoughts of Acharya Dr. Lokesh and invited him to visit America. During his first visit to USA in March 2007, Acharya Dr. Lokesh discussed Peace Education and training of non-violence in the Senate, where members of both the political parties namely Republican and Democrats participated. In September 2008, he addressed Milpitas Assembly of California. Mayor Hoze Astawish honored him with ‘Keys of Milpitas City’ for his distinguished contribution in the field of non- violence, peace and mutual co-operation. Acharya Dr. Lokesh is a writer, he has written more than dozen books in prose and poetry. His literature is very famous due to his new approach and solution to current problems. In his writing Dr. Lokesh has not only raised the problems but also presented lasting solution to them. 'The Unborn Curse' is novel discarding abortion of female child. It was released in Hindi by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the President of India and it gained popularity to a great extent. The first copy of the English version was releases by Smt. Sonia Gandhi, the president of the Congress. The introduction of this book was written by Shri Shivraj Patil, Home Minister of India Shri L. K. Advani former Deputy Prime Minister of India had penned down his comments. His writing is popular both in India and Abroad. His literature provides solution to personal social, National and International problems. Innumerable people have found solution to their problems through literature and thus got the basic mantra of health, happy and ecstatic way of life.
Published books : 0
Designation : Muni
Sect : Sthanakwasi

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